Wednesday 13 April 2016


WALT:Research what time is.

Today in class we researched questions that would build up to our main question which was "What is time?".
As you can see in this presentation.

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Tuesday 5 April 2016

Places of worship

WALT:Find different kinds of churches and find facts about them

Today we learnt about different places of worship.

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Tukumarie-Ireland & Aotearoa

WALA:Different cultures and how they compare to your own.

Today I have been learning facts about ireland to see what they are like compared to us.

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How Dinosaur Fossils were formed.

S.C:I am able to find out what a word means on my own. I can identify the main ideas in the text I am reading. I can research topics on my own using a variety of methods.
WALT:Learn the meaning of words to build my vocabulary.

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Thanks for reading.