Thursday 26 March 2015

Bio Poem

WALT:Draft and publish succsefuly onto a DLO.

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Disgusting food

WALT:See what is unhealthy and what is really unhealthy.

I have gave you an example of some of the disgusting  things people eat in our day.

Please give feedback and feedforward.

Thanks for watching

bye bye :)

Research on a hero

Created with Padlet

WALT:Use a digital learning oobject to research our hero.

I have researched Stan Walker and some stuff about him and I hope you find this interesting.

Please give feedback and feedforward and I will be sure to comment back.

Thank you for watching

Bye bye :)

Blog Commenting

I have commented on a rang of peoples blog and read thoroughly through their work.

Please give feedback and feedforward and ill be sure to comment back.

Thankyou for watching.

Bye bye

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Maths strategies

WALT:Explore different kinds of strategies.

Please give feedback and feedforward :#
bye bye

Trump goals

I have made a presentation that shows All my personal goals

Please enjoy :)

Word of the week

Plese give feedback and feedforward :3

Bye bye