Monday, 17 November 2014

Library Activity

WALT:look after books.

Today at the library we have been learning how to look after our books.

Please give feedback and feedforward,

Bye Bye :D

Coordiants All about me

WALT:Use simple coordinates to show position. 

I have made cordinates of things all about me

Please give feedback :D

Bye Bye :D

Knowledge attack

WALT: Practice our fractions by playing fraction games.

For this knowledge attack I have been practicing fractions.

Please give feedback and feedforward.

Bye Bye :D

Basic /Facts T4W6

Basic Facts: (T4W6)
  1. 9 + 1= 10
  2. 40 - 10 = 30
  3. 12 + 8 = 20
  4. 1+ 9= 10
  5. 66 - 6 = 60
  6. 100 - 200 = 100
  7. 100 + 30=130
  8. 35 - 6=29
  9. 14 + 14=28
  10. 7 + 7=14
  11. 4 + 5=9
  12. 7 + 8=15
  13. 2 x 9=18
  14. 7 x 4=28
  15. 5 x 2=10
  16. 0 x 1=0
  17. 11 x 9=99
  18. 12 x 1-12
  19. 3 x 4=12
  20. 6 x 7=42
  21. 4 x 2=8
  22. 9 x 8=72
  23. 6 x 6=36
  24. 5 x 2=10
  25. 9 x 9=81

First attempt-57 secs
Second attempt-1 minute

Third Attempt-59 secs

WALT:Record how fast we know our basic facts and try harder to get a new record.

I have timed myself 3 times and my range was 57 secs to 1 minute.

Please give feedback and feedforward.:D

Bye Bye. :)

Friday, 14 November 2014

3D shapes

My shape is Tetrahedron.
It has 4 faces 
It has six edges 
It has four vertices
It is made up of three triangles.

Please give feedback :D

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Knowledge Attack

WALT Repeat our basic facts.
This is my knowledge attack, Math Man I had to find a problem and eat the answer.Please give me feedback and feedforward :D
Here is the link to Type Man

Basic Facts

  1. 10 + 4= 14
  2. 10 + 90= 100
  3. 14 + 6= 20
  4. 3 + 36= 39
  5. 99 + ?= 110
  6. 67 - 7= 60
  7. 12 - 6 = 6
  8. 7 - 2= 5
  9. 100 - 55 = 45
  10. 3 - 0= 3
  11. 3 x 4=12
  12. 6 x 7=42
  13. 4 x 2= 8
  14. 9 x 8= 72
  15. 6 x 6=36
  16. 5 x 2=10
  17. 1 x 10=10
  18. 7 x 10=70
  19. 3 x 8=24
  20. 0 x 12=0
  21. 3 x 3= 9
  22. 2 x 10 = 20
  23. 11 x 7 = 77
  24. 9 x 9 81
  25. 4 x 3=12
  26. 5 x 5 = 25
  27. 2 + 5 + 3 + 5=15
  28. 4 + 2 + 6 + 8=20
  29. 0 + 9 + 7 + 3 + 1 + 10=30
  30. 10 + 14 - 4 - 10=10
WALT Repeat our basic facts.

These are my basic facts the take strategy and math skills and my teacher gave me these so we can memories our basic facts.

Please give me feedback and feedforward :D

Bye Bye :D

Rounding and Compensating.

To work this out you have to make the nearest one to a tidy number a tidy number then you compensate the number you added/taken away.

Please give feedback.

Bye Bye :D

Flash cards

WALT:Make flash cards to practice our time tables.

I have made six flash cards with 9 timetables on them to practice.

Please give feedback and feedforward.

Bye Bye :D

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Maniakalani Film Festival 2014

Today Tamaki Primary went to Hoyts cinemas in Sylvia Park.

We saw some movies that were funny and had good acting in them.

There were some awesome movies there!Some were about the  ocean and about anti-bullying and not littering.

Our Favorite movies Were ''I am waiting and we are fancy".

We like them because they were funny and cool and had a good message.

Screen shot 2014-11-12 at 12.55.59 PM

Friday, 31 October 2014

Symmetry Flag

WALT:make a flag that could be the new NZ flag.

I made a flag that has three shapes with symmetry.

Please give feedback and feedforward. :D

Bye bye 

Friday, 24 October 2014

king pig

How to become a king pig

Have you ever wondered why you feel that you have a big gap to fill in your life. Well I know what it is you need.You need to be a king pig,A king pig is a list of people who are
Hardworking,Going on the right thing,Improving in their work,Helping others and following T.E.A.M.King pigs are very important if you get your name on the king pig list you get put in a competition every lunch time your teacher would but you in a random thing picker and if you get chosen to stay inside and play games now you know the basics of king pigs let start.

First you want to know that every teacher LOVES a golden child.Make sure that your teacher can see your screen when you are learning.It is very important that you DONT sit next to a person that is going to distract you, sit next to someone responsible. For example
People ON THE RIGHT THING,People you know that are not going to distract you and also you want to make sure that you DON’T GO ON THE WRONG THING because if you do you have to face the consequences

After that you want to work on your positive attitude. Always have a positive attitude inside and outside the classroom and “Hey between me and you if you have a good attitude outside the classroom you will get compliments”.If you don’t have a positive attitude no-way a teacher would pick you for the king pig list and also show Rangimarie(Peace) all around the school and you never know you might also get a badge.

Next you want to practise Manaakitanga(caring for others) this is a very IMPORTANT one.If a friend is hurt you want to help them up not just in school also at home and around the community.Caring for others would help you be a better person it would show peace.

Finally you want to represent your class you can represent your class by saying polite words,respecting visitors… and cleaning our classroom’ if you represent your classroom people would give you compliments.

Now you know how to become a king pig you could also teach other kids how to become a king pig.

Please give feedback :D

Comprehension Activity.

This is my vocaroo recording of me reading a book called High Dive.
Here is the  link Click me!


WALT Read and record.
Our teacher want us to start recording because she wants us to sound more exciting when we read, and show more expression.

Please give me feedback and feedforward. :D

Blog commenting.

WALT:Comment feedback on others blogs.

I have commented on three peoples blogs.

Please give feedback:D


WALT:Answer questions about earthquakes.

I have made and answered questions by researching earthquakes on google.

Please give feedback:D      


WALT :Fill in the blanks to best complete the sentence.

I have evaluated a book on oxford owl.

Please give feedback. :D


WALT:Make a bookmark to use for our books.

I have made a bookmark to use for my books.

Please give feedback.:D

Flash Card

WALT:Make word problems for our friends to figure out.

I have made word problems for my friends to work out.

Please give feedback.

Bye bye :D

Stage 5 word problems

WALT:describe the strategy we use to solve word problems.

I have described  the strategy I used to solve these word problems.

Please give feedback. :D

Bye Bye :D

T4W2 Basic Facts

Knowledge Attack

WALT:Practice our multiplication with games.

I have came second at multiplication penguins.I am practicing multiplication.

Please give feedback and feedforward. :D

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Spanish Emotions

WALT:Ask how are you in spanish.

We have taken photos to suit the pictures in this drawing and named it in spanish.

Please give feedback and feed foward :D

Thursday, 25 September 2014


WALT:Write a description on a random picture.

I have wrote a description about a flubber/Slug and
I have called it Finlug because it has a fin and it is a slug.

Please give feedback :D

Summarising Skills

WALT: do a summary on a book we have read.

I have a summary on a book I have read.

Please give feedback :D

T.E.A.M Reflection

WALT:Reflect on our term.

I have made a presentation which has our class values on it and I have reflected on my behaviour.

Please give feedback :D

My Reading Log

WALT:Make a summary about a book we have read at S.S.R.

I have made a summary and rated a book that I have read at S.S.R.

Please give Feedback :D

Statistics Knowledge

WALT:explain the inquiry statistics cycle.

I have explained the inquiry statistics cycle.

Please give Feedback :D


WALT:make a problem and solve it using our inquiry statistics cycle.

I have made a problem and solved it using the inquiry statistics cycle.

Please give feedback :D

Basic Facts T3W10

How many 10's in:
  1. 400 40
  2. 399 39
  3. 1650 65
  4. 10 1
  5. 55 5
How many 100's in:
  1. 320 3
  2. 299 2
  3. 567 5
  4. 1000 0
  5. 1234 2
  6. 1086 0
Find the fraction:
  1. 1/2 of 300=150
  2. 1/4 of 200= 50
  3. 2/4 of 200= 100
  4. 1/5 of 5000= 1000
  5. 4/4 of 967= 967
  6. 4/5 of 250= 200
  7. 1/9 of 90= 10
  8. 7/9 of 90= 70
  9. 1/3 of 45= 15
  10. 2/3 of 1500= 1000
  1. 30 x 19= 570
  2. 70 x 29= 2030
  3. 135 x 9= 1215
  4. 24 x 8= 192
  5. 7 x 40= 2800
  6. 5 x 100= 500
  7. 19 x 19= 361
  8. 123 x 4= 492
  9. 9 x 8=  72
  10. 12 x 12= 144
  11. 13 x 19= 247
  12. 8 x 7= 56
  13. 6 x 5= 30


2.43 secs


WALT:Instantly recall our basic facts.

I have timed myself 3 times to see if i'm improving on my basic facts.

Please give feedback.:D

Comparing and Analysis our learning

WALT: record and share our achievements in statistics.

I have gone through my learning path way and wrote down three things that I have achieved and three things I need to work on.

Please give feedback. :D

Thanks for Reading.<3

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Character Contrast

WALT:See other characters perspective on the situation.

I have wrote down what the two characters thought about the situation.

Please give feedback.

Wonderful Word Problems

WALT:Teach people stratedys.

I have made a varcaroo for each slide.

Please give feedback:D

Fraction Mania

WALT:order fractions.

I have put random fractions in order of biggest to smallest.

Please give feedback.:D

Critical Thinking

WALT:Use critical thinking when reading a book.

I have used a picture book to use critical thinking.

Please give feedback:D

Monday, 15 September 2014

10Fastfingers skills

Typing Test

Visit the Typing Test and try!

WALT increase our typing skills.

I played this game that gives you a minute to write as many words a possible.

Please give feedback:D

Thanks for Reading :D

Friday, 12 September 2014

Mythical Monster

WALT make a mythical monster and make a description about it.

I have crossed a angle and a bunny and a alien and a mermaid which made a merliangel.

Please give feedback :D

Special Duffy guests

I recommend watching this video before reading.

Click here

I think my favorite line was " I’m going to say that “you’re a racist”. That your words are a mockery to my skin tone and my color."
To me this means no matter what color you are you can do and be anything.
When he said this speech I felt happy because I like how he put all the words into one rap/speech

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Buddy Time

I have finished this presentation with my buddy Joshua.

Please give feedback :D

De bonos Padlet

Created with Padlet

WALT make a padlet and use de bonos thinking hats to  summarise a story.

I have used a padlet to summarise a story using de bonos thinking hats.

Thanks for Watching please give feedback :D

Basic Facts T3W8

Round to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000:
  1. 99-100
  2. 199-200
  3. 39-40
  4. 999-1000
  5. 58-60
  6. 177-180
  7. 1119-1120
  8. 88-90
  9. 769-770
  10. 569-570
Multiply by 10, 100 and 1000:
  1. 1 x 1000=1000
  2. 2 x 60=120
  3. 7 x 700=490
  4. 6 x 50=300
  5. 100 x 40=4000
  6. 650 x 3=1950
  7. 190 x 2=380
  8. 40 x 40=1600
  9. 16 x 16=256
  10. 500 x 3=1500
Use rounding and compensating to multiply:
  1. 4 x 39= 4 x 40=160-4 =156
  2. 3 x 19=3 x 20=60-3=57
  3. 20 x 19=20 x 20=  400-20=380
  4. 100 x 99=100x100=10000-100=9900
  5. 7 x 29=7x30=210-7=203
  6. 16 x 9=16 x 10=160-16=144
  7. 0 x 999=0 x 10000=0-0=0
  8. 6 x 59=6 x 60=360-6=354
  9. 9 x 49=9 x 50=450-9=441
  10. 5 x 69=5 x 70=350-5=345

1. 1.34
2. 2.52
3.59 secs

WALT:instantly recall our basic facts.

I have timed my self three times to see how fast I can recall my basic facts.

Please give feedback.:D

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

De Bono's Thinking hats Padlet

Created with Padlet

WALT:Use Padlet and De Bono's Thinking hats in one padlet

Please give feedback

Bye :D

Thursday, 28 August 2014


WALT self evaluate our writing using the writing rubric.

I have chosen a piece of writing that I wrote and self evaluated on it.

Please give feedback :D

Monday, 25 August 2014

A,An and nouns

WALT: use a or an before a noun.

Today we were learning about when to use an "an" and an "a" in our writing.

Please give feedback:D

Basic Facts

  1. 10 x 9=90
  2. 7 x 2=14
  3. 7 x 8=56
  4. 1 x 9=9
  5. 9 x 10=90
  6. 5 x 7=35
  7. 6 x 7=42
  8. 7 x 4=28
  9. 8 x 6=48
  10. 4 x 8=32
  11. 16 ÷ 4=4
  12. 24 ÷  4=6
  13. 45 ÷  5=9
  14. 40 ÷  2=20
  15. 36 ÷  6=6
  16. 54 ÷  6=9
  17. 70 ÷  7=10
  18. 32 ÷  8=4
  19. 27 ÷  9=3
  20. 96 ÷  12=8
  21. 10 + 10=20
  22. 120 + 140=260
  23. 30 + 50=80
  24. 25 + 25=50
  25. 250 + 260=310
  26. 1000 + 2000=30000
  27. 120 + 2500=2620
  28. 900 + 200=1100
  29. 9000 + 1000=1.0000
  30. 650 + 20 + 50=30.720

WALT: instantly recall my basic facts